Nomos Manchester Event Recap – Nomos Events


Nomos Manchester has been and gone and all we have are memories, and also some Polaroids courtesy of a very generous guest some of which you will be seeing below.

Once again a big thank you to our MC Count Dankula, our community speakers British Knight and Mitch (their speeches will be on their respective channels at some point and possibly somewhere in print) and apologies to Ludvig Van Lammy for not having the time or visual aids to do your speech at this event. Thanks also to Trigger Hippy for his rousing last minute replacement speech.

Organiser Scrumpmonkey’s speech is already available over on substack and Evelyn’s will be available soon after this article goes live.


For an event planned and executed in two months it went as well as could be hoped, from an organiser end it was stressful but worth it. The Manchester Bierkeller didn’t quite know what to make of the well dressed guests giving speeches about localism and community, but they were polite and no one seemed upset so I think we’ve avoided being blacklisted or cancelled for now.

Most importantly, we successfully brought this community more into the real world -where it firmly belongs.


Thanks also to everyone who bought early-bird tickets and put money into this project before it had really taken form, you guys very much made this happen.

As for the next one? Well we’re thinking in spring. Don’t worry, we’re starting planning it soon to make sure it can be even better and a bit less rushed.