Nomos Manchester: Speaker Announcements – Nomos Events

We’re pleased to announce the speakers for our October 23rd event, thanks to everyone who sent in an entry

Our MC for the night will be the Madlad himself Count Dankula, so lock up your pugs and prepare for a spicy evening.

The first community speaker we have is Ludwig von Lammy, speaking about: “How the high rise building & slavish devotion to the car destroys community & diverse local architectural cultures “

You can find him here:

Our second community speaker is British Knight, he will be speaking on the subject of: “Taking Back Community”

You can find him on YouTube and on Twitter

Last for our community speech announcements is for Mitch who will be giving a talk on: “Taking the Fight to Labour”

You can also find Mitch on YouTube and Twitter

Event organisers Scrumpmonkey and Evelyn will also be speaking later in the evening.

We did promise you four community speakers, but we’re in the process of confirming some details with a few applicants so watch this space for any future announcements.